Factors Influencing Whistleblowing Intention among Accounting Students in Indonesia

  • Sany Petra Christian University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8346-9036
  • Alan Darmasaputra Petra Christian University
  • Cathrine Cecilia Alim Petra Christian University
  • Ferdinand Niko Petra Christian University
Keywords: Whistleblowing Intention, Organizational Commitment, Subjective Norm, Group Cohesion, accounting students, Indonesia


The study aimed to determine the effect organizational commitment, subjective norms and group cohesion to whistleblowing intention of accounting students in Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire administered using Google Form. The study’s sample was 218 accounting students from various universities in Surabaya, Indonesia. This study results show that high organizational commitment, subjective norms, and group cohesion increase whistleblowing intention among participants studied. Limitations include the limited number of universities surveyed for respondent recruitment, suggesting the need for additional data collection methods. This study is original in its investigation of the relationships between organizational commitment, subjective norms, group cohesion, and whistleblowing intention among accounting students in Surabaya.

Author Biographies

Sany, Petra Christian University

Accounting Department, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University

Alan Darmasaputra, Petra Christian University

Accounting Department, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University

Cathrine Cecilia Alim, Petra Christian University

Accounting Department, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University

Ferdinand Niko, Petra Christian University

Accounting Department, School of Business and Management, Petra Christian University


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How to Cite
Sany, S., Darmasaputra, A., Alim, C. C., & Niko, F. (2024). Factors Influencing Whistleblowing Intention among Accounting Students in Indonesia. International Journal of Organizational Behavior and Policy, 3(2), 87-96. https://doi.org/10.9744/ijobp.3.2.87-96

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